Desperate for Reliable Help?

If you are a prospective employer interested in recruiting international workers via U.S. Direct Hire's EB-3 Program or our Remote Work Program, please contact us here for more info.

EB-3 Program Benefits

"You know what keeps me awake at night?  Not customer reviews or occupancy rates, but finding reliable housekeepers."

-CEO, Indianapolis-based Hospitality Group

"On any given Tuesday, 20% of our employees don't show up for work.  What I would give to have people committed to coming to work."

-Owner, Midwest Fast Food Company

Remote Worker Benefits

"Our Remote HR Recruiter has completely transformed our business.  She is now part of our family.  Thank you USDH!"

-CEO, Milwaukee-based Home Care Agency

"We love our Controller!  It is unbelievable you found us a dedicated US-trained CPA with over ten year's experience for just $12 per hour.  Best thing ever!"

-Owner, SE Wisconsin-based Home Care Agency